Geelong Markets

There are months of planning that goes into our ‘Winter Changeover’ and there’s always the inevitable trip to the Geelong Markets to hunt for treasure!

We’d love to show you our favourite three Vintage Market places we routinely visit! They are truly amazing but they can be quite overwhelming. It is very important for us to FOCUS! So before we exit the car and head into our first port of call ‘HOW BAZAAR’, we take a look at our lists and plans and work out what we need to keep our eyes open for!

HOW BAZAAR is a wonderful collectables paradise with over 1000sq meters of floor and wall space of treasures to discover. Walking through the aisles we are always delighted with surprises and plenty of laughs along the way, including our best find of the day by Daz – a full doggie costume!


Daz has discovered something very funny…

Yep, we were in hysterics alongside the spooky mannequin next to us!

Discussions and discoveries! We were thrilled to find more wooden cogs to add to our collection.

We find ourselves smiling at the turn of every corner.

Every wall, floor to ceiling, covered in eye candy!


Our next stop was the not so secret Geelong Vintage Market. This market is four times bigger than the last. However we find that it’s almost easier to filter out what we don’t want when there’s this much to go through. We also rely on instinct, gut feeling and our hearts! So when we discovered a vintage foosball table we knew it was perfect for the new ‘Gentleman’s Theme’ in the Library dining space at Donovans.

Gail at the counter of The Geelong Markets


Our last stop for the day is the Geelong Mill Markets. We are instantly struck by the vintage circus letter ‘S’ in the entry and wish we had a reason to buy it! We start strutting the aisles of the market with determination and just as our energy levels start dropping, we discover some beauties! Vintage binoculars, cameras, walking sticks, a metal serving tray and a matching blue bottle to the one we already have at the Donovans! We were very happy with day one of our Winter changeover hunting!

The entry to The Mill Markets with the beautiful lit up vintage circus letter S.



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